Today's Fuel Pricing:

Fueling hours: 100LL and Jet A w/Additive is available 24 Hours with Credit Card.

KOXI Weather:

Current Weather Conditions
Dew Point:
24-hour Fuel Services Available at Pump with Credit Card


Starke County Airport History

Row 1

  1. December 1974 Dye Plumbing and Heating
  2. December 1974 Manholes delivered
  3. December 1974 20 yd. Earthmover
  4. June 1975 Crane on Site

Row 2

  1. June 1975 Cement Work
  2. June 1975 Construction
  3. Sept. 1975 "More Progress"
  4. Sept 1975

Row 3

  1. 1975 blacktopping
  2. 1975 blacktopping
  3. Oct. 1975 Vault Bldg
  4. Nov. 1975 Runway

Row 4

  1. May 1978 Main Hanger
  2. June 1978 Main Hanger (completed)

Aerial Photos

Courtesy of Jeff Dixon, Taken early A.M. from his Himax on 10/01/01

Starke County Airport Aerial Photography
Starke County Airport Aerial Photography
Starke County Airport Aerial Photography
Starke County Airport Aerial Photography
Starke County Airport Aerial Photography
Starke County Airport Aerial Photography